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Welcome to the Official Web Site of

The Harmony Lodge No. 57



More than 150 Years of Masonry in Binbrook, Ontario






The Harmony Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 57 G.R.C. meets

Second Wednesday of Each Month, 7:30 p.m.*

(dark in July and August)


*7:00 p.m. April and Official Visit








Regular Meetings

Sept. - June

2nd Wed.



2nd Wed.



2nd Wed.


Contact Information

  • The Harmony Lodge No. 57
  • Attn: V.W. Bro. Matthew R. Burke, Secretary
  • 9550 York Street
  • Canfield, ON N0A 1C0

  • Phone: (905) 323-5415

  • E-mail:



Harmony Lodge was granted dispensation April 5, 1855 when the first 3 principal officers were installed with W. Bro. Win. Mussen, W.M. of York Lodge 286 G.R.I. presiding.

    1st W.M. was W. Bro. Jeremiah Taylor

    1st S.W. was Bro. John Brown

    1st J.W. was Bro. Henry Morgan


The W.M. was then regularly installed at a special Past Masters’ meeting in Hamilton on June 28, 1855. Harmony Lodge, being formed prior to the Grand Lodge of Canada, was granted a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ireland and numbered 358. The warrant was issued July 1856, however the Lodge held it’s first meeting as Harmony No. 27 on February 25, 1856. In 1858, after the union of the Ancient Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Canada, Harmony Lodge was renumbered as No. 57.  Harmony Lodge held our first regular meeting at our new home on April 12, 2023.


Few other firsts include:

    1st Candidate was Reuben Taylor, son of the first W.M.

    1st Grand Lodge Officer was R.W. Bro. Rev. George Chrystal

    1st Grand Master to visit was M.W. Bro. John Ross Robertson

    1st D.D.G.M. was R.W. Bro. Hugh Johnson in 1917


Members from Harmony Lodge formed Wentworth Lodge, which in turn formed T.H. Simpson Lodge. Harmony Lodge members also formed Lincoln Lodge. In 2006, T.H. Simpson Lodge Amalgamated with Wentworth Lodge to be Wentworth Lodge No. 166 meeting in Stoney Creek. Lincoln Lodge No. 544 amalgamated with Harmony Lodge in 2021.


[Lodge Image]

Harmony Masonic Centre



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Last modified: 2023-04-16